W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Discovery Lab: Sharks
March 19, 2013
6pm - 8pm
VIMS - Catlett-Burruss Research and Education Lab7577 Spencer Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
Many sharks travel into Chesapeake Bay as they migrate along the Eastern seaboard, using the Bay's warm waters and food as a nursery habitat. Join Kevin Spanik and Evan McOmber, researchers with VIMS multispecies fisheries surveys, as they present a short lecture on the common sharks of the Bay and research being done on these animals. The lab will include displays of sharks from local and distant waters, specimens from the VIMS fish collection, and information on common misconceptions about sharks. Students from the Williamsburg Montessori Middle School will present several activities and displays.
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[[v|mcguire, Sarah McGuire]] 804-684-7878