[PAST EVENT] The Scalability Of Trust - A Sustainable Model To Develop Advocates and Policy Change 

March 20, 2024
Tribe Square, Entrepreneurship Hub
249 Richmond Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Open to the public

The W&M Entrepreneurship Hub is privileged to host several events of the Ampersand International Arts Festival in our very own facility. Swing by and be inspired by a diverse array of artists and their work, fostering a better understanding of art’s place within the world.

In this workshop, you will learn about a sustainable business model for creatives that helps foster systemic changes favoring artists and alternative use of traditional space. We will discuss the various ways to create empathy, how to develop a common language, and how to identify common goals for success between stakeholders, business owners, decision makers, and creatives.


James Lopez is a magician and founder of The Exposure Project, a theater production company focused on minimalistic immersive experiences. Through continuing education in various tools and technologies, James explores how to create better audience buy-in and lead people down what magicians call THE MAGIC WAY. By focusing on storytelling and sensory awareness, James aims to create magical realism in all projects he works on. James is based in Colorado and consults on various projects for theaters and organizations nationwide.

Sponsored by: The William & Mary Entrepreneurship Hub