W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] SchoolHouse Block Information Session
October 28, 2014
7pm - 8pm
Over 800 million individuals worldwide are illiterate and do not have access to invaluable primary education SchoolHouse Block aims to change this block by block, student by student, school by school. SchoolHouse Block is a new, education-focused organization at The College of William and Mary! We seek to advance educational attainment by considering sustainability, public health, global awareness, and gender equality when constructing a school in Nepal. Come to one of our informational meetings and learn how YOU can change the world. The meetings will be held on Tuesday Oct. 28 and Wednesday Oct. 29 at 7pm in Millington 211!
[[e|erjacob, Liz Jacob]] 630-414-7349