[PAST EVENT] Saturday Scholars Williamsburg

June 16, 2012
10am - 2:30pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Registration/Coffee in Atrium
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
All area W&M alumni are welcome.

10:00 a.m. Registration/Coffee

10:30 a.m. "Developing Your Personal Brand" by {{http://mason.wm.edu/faculty/directory/slade_a.php, Prof. Allen Slade}}

Noon Networking Lunch

1:00 p.m. "The Empathy Impact: How leaders integrate the head and the heart to spark innovation and change" by {{http://mason.wm.edu/programs/undergraduate/events/conferencebios_collaborative/index.php, Prof. Chris Adkins}}

2:30 Program concludes

{{https://secure.www.alumniconnections.com/olc/pub/WLM/event/showEventForm.jsp?form_id=126563, Please register by June 11}}.

The event is free and dress is business casual. A certificate of attendance will be available at the event.

[[m|alumnirelations, Mason School Alumni Relations]] or (757) 221-7848.