[PAST EVENT] Spring Instructional Design Seminar

February 19, 2018 - March 30, 2018
School of Education, Online
301 Monticello Ave
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
indoors, inside, people, students, computers, meetings, tables

The Technology Integration Center will offer a 5-week hybrid professional development opportunity for interested faculty and staff in the School of Education. You may view this brief video introduction to the Instructional Design Seminar. The goals of this seminar are to:

  • Grow our capacity and expertise in course design for online and hybrid academic and professional development courses
  • Improve the alignment of course objectives, learning activities, and assessments in courses slated for development
  • Create shared understanding for terms, tools, and platforms related to online learning
  • Share a process that department units can adopt and modify for quality assurance of online and blended offerings by introducing the Quality Matters rubric and course design tool.

The outcome of this experience is the development of the first two weeks (or first module) of a selected online or hybrid course or professional development offering.

Structure of the Instructional Design Seminar

The course will be a 5 week asynchronous online seminar. (Faculty and staff will not be expected to engage in the online course over Spring Break.) In addition to the online workshop, we will hold two face-to-face Friday luncheons in the School of Education, made possible by support from the Dean's office. On Friday, February 23rd (11:30-1:00) we will welcome Dr. Chris Gareis who will speak about strategies for course alignment and about his own experience in designing for and teaching online for the first time. On Friday, March 23rd (11:30-1:00), we will welcome Troy Davis, Director of the Media Center in Swem, who will share strategies and best practices for at-your-desk media production.

This seminar will be facilitated by April Lawrence, Associate Director of eLearning in the School of Education, and by Johann Ducharme, Ph.D. student in EPPL Higher Ed and GA in the Technology Integration Center. The course will run between February 19th and March 30th in Blackboard. Topics will include:

  • Design Frameworks
  • Curating Resources
  • Course Planning
  • Content Production
  • Quality Assurance 

The Instructional Design Seminar will be a hands-on experience for faculty and staff. You will come away with a plan for your online course, and with a completed first module, fully developed.


April Lawrence