W&M Featured Events
This calendar presented by
William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Class Ring Sales
January 31, 2018 - February 1, 2018
11am - 3pm

This will be the very last chance to purchase a ring in order to participate in the Class of 2019 Ring Ceremony on February 11th.
Jostens Company representatives will have samples of the rings to show you, and be able answer any questions you may have about the rings. You can visit Jostens to see the official W&M ring styles that are available. Special sale pricing will be offered at the on-campus events.
(Please note: rings purchased at this sale will not be available for distribution at the 2/11 ceremony but the student will still be able to participate and the actual ring will be delivered at a later date).
[[e|aharse, Anne Arseneau]]