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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Effective Online Lectures (asynchronous)
July 29, 2020
10am - 11am
ZoomAccess & Features
- Registration/RSVP

What does a good online lecture delivered asynchronously look like? Bring your experience and ideas to this brainstorm. Register to receive the Zoom link https://wmsas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6SDqZS3RkBQB2Rv
Co-sponsored by co-educators from Information Technology, W&M Law School, School of Education, School of Business, Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation, and William & Mary Libraries.
Co-sponsored by co-educators from Information Technology, W&M Law School, School of Education, School of Business, Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation, and William & Mary Libraries.
Candice Benjes-Small, Head of Research Services, at [[w|candicebenjes-small]]