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[PAST EVENT] Mock Mehndi 2022
Access & Features
- Free food
- Open to the public

Mock Mehndi 2022 is an event hosted by the South Asian Student Association which aims to spread awareness about Indian and Pakistani culture. There will be traditional food, henna, dances, traditional clothes, and other traditional activities.
Mock Mehndi 2022 is celebrating William & Mary’s Asian Centennial commemorating the admission of Chen Pu-Kao, Class of 1923, the first student from Asia, and celebrating the contributions of the preceding generations of students of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern descent.
Mock Mehndi 2022 is supported by the Center for Student Diversity, Asian Centennial, Global Studies, International Relations, Student Affairs, and Student Assembly.
President Abhishek Goel, wmsasa1@gmail.com or [[avgoel]]