Pit Stop: To Withdraw or not Withdraw from a course

March 20, 2025
10am - 12pm
Ewell Hall, Room 260
221 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Pit Stop with the OUAA
Pit Stop with the OUAA

College can be a challenging time, and it's normal to face difficulties in certain courses. If you're struggling in a class, you may be asking yourself: Should I withdraw from this course? What impact will a "W" have on my academic record? How do I balance my workload while maintaining my wellbeing? Making the decision to withdraw can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

Join staff members from the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Academic Wellbeing for an open and informal discussion about your options. This is your opportunity to ask questions and explore whether withdrawing, underloading, or other academic options are right for you. We’re here to help you make a well-informed and thoughtful decision that supports both your academic goals and personal wellness.

Discussions will be held in room 260 of Ewell Hall on 3/20 10am-noon; 1-3pm and on 3/24 from 2:30-4:30pm in Sadler Center room 184.

We’re here to support your academic and personal goals.

Contact Chris Wlosinski at cmwlosinski@wm.edu with questions.

Sponsored by: Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs


Chris Wlosinski, cmwlosinski@wm.edu