In-Person FitWell Class: Creative Arts Group
Tuesday, April 27
11am - 12pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Patio

Join Art Therapist Sarah Balascio and learn to use art materials to explore feelings and work on relaxation. No art experience is necessary; the focus will be on ourselves. 

    Islamic Ethics as Environmental Justice
    Tuesday, April 27
    3:30pm - 5pm

    This virtual presentation will show how persistent issues about how to relate environmental law and ethics become legible through Muslim registers for environmental justice.

    Project on International Peace and Security (PIPS) Research Symposium
    Tuesday, April 27
    4pm - 5:30pm
    Location not specified

    Each year, PIPS research fellows identify emerging international security issues and develop original policy recommendations to address those challenges. 

    Gentlemen of the College - Wren 10 (@8pm)
    Tuesday, April 27
    8pm - 9pm
    Wren Courtyard

    Come hear (in person!) the Gentlemen of the College at our Triennial Risky Business Wren Ten! Keeping y'all on your toes - it'll be on TUESDAY at 8pm. We'll be singing some of our new songs for you in the Wren Courtyard (Sunken Garden side)!!

      Ongoing Events

      Family Weekend
      Wednesday, September 23 - Sunday, September 26
      Location not specified

      Family Weekend features events and special programs designed to showcase life at William & Mary. Learn about world-class faculty, experience special performances from one of many talented student groups, and connect with families from across the nation.