German Colonial Legacies
Tuesday, September 28
5pm - 6:30pm

Dr. Samudzi will speak about her research on German South West Africa (present-day Namibia), and the Herero and Nama genocide. She will also address current debates about museums, repatriation of remains, and ways of understanding repair and reparations.

    Asian Centennial Artist Talk with Roberto Jamora
    Tuesday, September 28
    Muscarelle Museum of Art, Sheridan Gallery

    Ongoing Events

    William & Mary Latinx Heritage Month 2021 
    Wednesday, September 15 - Friday, October 15
    12am - 12am
    Campus Center, Room 159

    W&M is proud to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month. Please join the William & Mary community as we celebrate Latinx heritage month. For more information, visit: