Anthropology Brown Bag: "Performing Solidarities: Third World Alliance as Choreographic Practice"
Wednesday, September 29
12pm - 1pm

Dr. Emily Wilcox of the William & Mary Department of Modern Languages and Literatures will present her research on movement, Third World Unity, and decolonization. Please email for Zoom link. 

    Combating the Invisibility of Middle Eastern and North African Identities in American Health Care
    Wednesday, September 29
    6pm - 7pm

    Join Elyas Bakhtiari, assistant professor of sociology at William & Mary, for a presentation about how to incorporate Middle Eastern and North African Americans into health disparities research.

    Ongoing Events

    William & Mary Latinx Heritage Month 2021 
    Wednesday, September 15 - Friday, October 15
    12am - 12am
    Campus Center, Room 159

    W&M is proud to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month. Please join the William & Mary community as we celebrate Latinx heritage month. For more information, visit: