FitWell Class: Yoga for Stress Management with Martha
Tuesday, February 25
7:45am - 8:35am
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
Chicago Networking Breakfast    
Tuesday, February 25
8am - 9:30am
McDermott Will & Emery | 444 West Lake St., Suite 4000, Chicago, IL 60606

Join the W&M community during Professional Development Week to connect with fellow professionals in the Chicago area and engage in meaningful conversations.

Triangle Networking Breakfast    
Tuesday, February 25
8am - 9:30am
TowneBank | 3535 Glenwood Ave. Raleigh, NC 27612

Join the W&M community during Professional Development Week to connect with fellow professionals in the Triangle area and engage in meaningful conversations.

Hart Gallery / "Flourish" Exhibition
Tuesday, February 25
8am - 11:45pm
Hart Gallery, Sadler 2nd Floor
    Charlotte Networking Breakfast    
    Tuesday, February 25
    8:30am - 10am
    Bank of America Tower | 620 S. Tyron St. Charlotte, NC 28255

    Join the W&M community during Professional Development Week to connect with fellow professionals in the Charlotte area and engage in meaningful conversations.

    FitWell Class:  Barre with Grace
    Tuesday, February 25
    9am - 9:50am
    The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio

    NYC Networking Breakfast    
    Tuesday, February 25
    9am - 10:30am
    Dorsey & Whitney LLP | 51 W. 52nd St. New York, NY 10019

    Join the W&M community during Professional Development Week to connect with fellow professionals in the New York City area and engage in meaningful conversations.

    OBAC Office Hours
    Tuesday, February 25
    11:30am - 12:30pm
    Student Assembly Sadler Office
      Maritime Developments in Strategic Contexts
      Tuesday, February 25
      12pm - 1pm
      Swem Library, The Hive Event Space, G30, ground floor of Swem Library
      Please join the Global Research Institute for a discussion between Two-Star Admiral (ret.) Mike Studeman '88 and Alex Wooley, Director of Partnerships and Communications for AidData, for a discussion on "Maritime Developments in Strategic Contexts."

      Unlocking Career Growth (Webinar)
      Tuesday, February 25
      12pm - 1pm

      Discover the unique advantages of working in small and mid-sized organizations with an alumni panel. 

      COLL 100/150 Proposal Workshop
      Tuesday, February 25
      12pm - 2pm
      Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 303
      Fitwell Class: Vinyasa Yoga with Patti
      Tuesday, February 25
      12:15pm - 1:05pm
      McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
        "Market Failures in US Health Care Markets: The Curious Case of Private Equity" by Barak Richman
        Tuesday, February 25
        12:50pm - 1:50pm
        Law School, Room 133

        The Center for the Study of Law and Markets will sponsor a lecture by Professor Barak Richman of GW University Law School. It is titled "Market Failures in US Health Care Markets: The Curious Case of Private Equity."

        Free admission and all are welcome.

        Silent Book Group: CREATING WICKED STUDENTS
        Tuesday, February 25
        2pm - 3:20pm
        Swem Library, Kyle Classroom and Zoom

        This course design book centers on the idea that college is meant to prepare students to deal with the knotty problems they’ll face in life after college. We'll spend the first 30 min of each meeting reading the book, followed by a discussion.

        Stop Sabotaging Yourself: Make Lasting Change Through Mental Fitness (Webinar)
        Tuesday, February 25
        3pm - 4pm

        Every day, self-sabotage impacts your performance, well-being and relationships. Join Anne Powell Lyons ’92 in a workshop to understand your internal saboteurs and how to interrupt their influence.

        FitWell Class: Guided Meditation with Martha
        Tuesday, February 25
        3:30pm - 3:50pm
        McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

        A Conversation about Pre-Law Advising
        Tuesday, February 25
        4pm - 5pm
        Monroe Hall, Program Room, 1st Floor
          FitWell Class:  Pilates with Zoey
          Tuesday, February 25
          4:15pm - 5:05pm
          The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
          FitWell Class:  Cycling + Strength Intervals with Laci
          Tuesday, February 25
          4:15pm - 5:15pm
          The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Tyler Studio
          FitWell Class: Restorative Yoga with Cindy
          Tuesday, February 25
          4:30pm - 5:20pm
          McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

          Access MBA New York City
          Tuesday, February 25
          5pm - 9:15pm
          The Westin New York At Times Square
          Learn more about William & Mary's top-ranked Full-Time MBA program!
          FitWell Class: Strength Development™ with Doug
          Tuesday, February 25
          5:30pm - 6:15pm
          The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
          GRI Book Launch:  Might of the Chain: Forging Leaders of Iron Integrity
          Tuesday, February 25
          5:30pm - 7:30pm
          Swem Library, The Hive Event Space (G30, ground floor of Swem Library)

          Join William & Mary’s Global Research Institute for the launch of Might of the Chain: Forging Leaders of Iron Integrity (Stone Tower Press, 2024), written by W&M alumnus Mike Studeman ‘88.  Co-sponsored with W&M Libraries.

          BIPOC Wellness Retreat
          Tuesday, February 25
          6:30pm - 7:30pm
          McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B
          Fitwell Class: Slow Flow Vinyasa with Isa
          Tuesday, February 25
          7pm - 7:50pm
          McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
          Student Assembly Senate Meeting
          Tuesday, February 25
          7pm - 8:30pm


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            Ongoing Events

            View: GridList
            W&M Professional Development Week 2025
            Monday, February 24 - Friday, February 28

            The William & Mary community will come together for  W&M Professional Development Week 2025, Feb. 24-28. Connect with experts from the W&M community via virtual panels and workshops. 

            Writing and Communication Center Open: Spring 2025
            Monday, February 3 - Friday, May 2
            1pm - 4pm
            Swem Library,

            At the Writing and Communication Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product. 

            Andrews Gallery Presents: Juan Brenner - Abundant, Life Giving and Cruel
            Monday, February 3 - Thursday, April 3
            Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery

            The Andrews Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Photographer and Artist Juan Brenner: Abundant, Life Giving and Cruel.