FitWell Class: Yoga for Stress Management with Martha
Tuesday, February 11
7:45am - 8:35am
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
Hart Gallery / "Flourish" Exhibition
Tuesday, February 11
8am - 11:45pm
Hart Gallery, Sadler 2nd Floor
    FitWell Class:  Barre with Grace
    Tuesday, February 11
    9am - 9:50am
    The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio

    Swem Pop-Up Resume Reviews
    Tuesday, February 11
    10am - 12pm
    Swem Library, Writing & Communication Center

    Join the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement and the Writing and Communication Center for pop-up resume reviews at Swem Library.

      How to be an Inclusive Leader Workshop
      Tuesday, February 11
      11am - 12pm
      Swem Library, Cox Classroom

      The next session of the Mid-level Leadership Series is set for February 11th, 11 am-Noon. You can attend even if you are not a member of the leadership cohort.

      OBAC Office Hours
      Tuesday, February 11
      11:30am - 12:30pm
      Student Assembly Sadler Office
        Office of Diversity & Inclusion Lunch & Learn 
        Tuesday, February 11
        11:30am - 1pm
        Location not specified

        Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

        Fitwell Class: Vinyasa Yoga with Patti
        Tuesday, February 11
        12:15pm - 1:05pm
        McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
          Faculty Research Brief: The Enduring Nature of School Segregation
          Tuesday, February 11
          School of Education, Zoom

          In this talk, Dr. Joseph L Boselovic will share findings from his research exploring how low-income parents chose schools in the context of an experimental housing intervention in metropolitan Seattle. 

            Silent Book Group: CREATING WICKED STUDENTS
            Tuesday, February 11
            2pm - 3:20pm
            Swem Library, Kyle Classroom and Zoom

             This course design book centers on the idea that college is meant to prepare students to deal with the knotty problems they’ll face in life after college. We'll spend the first 30 min of each meeting reading the book, followed by a discussion.

            MSBA Program Virtual Information Session
            Tuesday, February 11
            3pm - 4pm
            Virtual Zoom Meeting

            Join William & Mary MSBA Graduate Admissions for an overview of the MSBA program!

            FitWell Class: Guided Meditation with Martha
            Tuesday, February 11
            3:30pm - 3:50pm
            McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

            FitWell Class:  Pilates with Zoey
            Tuesday, February 11
            4:15pm - 5:05pm
            The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
            FitWell Class:  Cycling + Strength Intervals with Laci
            Tuesday, February 11
            4:15pm - 5:15pm
            The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Tyler Studio
            FitWell Class: Restorative Yoga with Cindy
            Tuesday, February 11
            4:30pm - 5:20pm
            McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

            Monroe Scholars Grant Proposal Working Supper
            Tuesday, February 11
            5pm - 6pm
            Monroe Hall, Program Room, 1st Floor
            **CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER** W&M Richmond Meet the Board Happy Hour
            Tuesday, February 11
            5pm - 7pm
            The Answer Brewpub | 6008 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230

            Reconnect with fellow alumni, parents, family and friends and make new connections over drinks at The Answer Brewpub! 

            Black Student Organization Open House
            Tuesday, February 11
            5pm - 7pm
            Swem Library, Special Collections Research Center

            The Special Collections Research Center and BSO invite you to the SCRC for an open house featuring materials related to Black student life and history at William & Mary. Light refreshments will be provided. Event is free and open to all!

            Van Certification Training
            Tuesday, February 11
            5pm - 8pm
            Sadler Center 298
              Nationalism and Individualism in Israeli Children's Literature
              Tuesday, February 11
              James Blair Hall, Room 205
              Join the Judaic Studies Program for a lecture on nationalism and individualism in Israeli children's literature!
              FitWell Class: Strength Development™ with Doug
              Tuesday, February 11
              5:30pm - 6:15pm
              The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
              Fitwell Class: Intermediate Vinyasa Yoga with Cindy
              Tuesday, February 11
              5:30pm - 6:20pm
              McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

                Fellowship/Scholarship Info Session & Panel
                Tuesday, February 11
                5:30pm - 6:30pm
                Cohen Career Center, Presentation Room A&B

                Hear from William & Mary students who have participated in fellowship and scholarship programs and gain practical guidance and firsthand perspectives to support their journey in applying for and maximizing the impact of these programs.

                  Sorority Women Yoga
                  Tuesday, February 11
                  5:30pm - 6:30pm
                  Wellness Center Studio B
                    Alpfa X EY: LinkedIn Workshop
                    Tuesday, February 11
                    6pm - 7pm
                    Blow Hall 331
                      Fitwell Class: Slow Flow Vinyasa with Isa
                      Tuesday, February 11
                      7pm - 7:50pm
                      McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
                      Tea Society Weekly Meeting
                      Tuesday, February 11
                      7pm - 8pm
                      Tucker Room 221
                        Student Assembly Senate Meeting
                        Tuesday, February 11
                        7pm - 8:30pm
                          Compost Club Valentine's Meeting
                          Tuesday, February 11
                          8pm - 9pm
                          Chancellors Hall 113

                            +31 more...


                            Ongoing Events

                            View: GridList
                            Writing and Communication Center Open: Spring 2025
                            Monday, February 3 - Friday, May 2
                            1pm - 4pm
                            Swem Library,

                            At the Writing and Communication Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product. 

                            Andrews Gallery Presents: Juan Brenner - Abundant, Life Giving and Cruel
                            Monday, February 3 - Thursday, April 3
                            Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery

                            The Andrews Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Photographer and Artist Juan Brenner: Abundant, Life Giving and Cruel.