Order Your W&M Ring!
Wednesday, April 9
10am - 2pm
Sadler Center, Atrium
    MAcc Program Virtual Information Session
    Wednesday, April 9
    11am - 12pm
    Virtual Zoom Meeting

    Join William & Mary MAcc Graduate Admissions for an overview of the MAcc program! 

    Emerging Scholars Talk: “Contemporary Fiction and the Millennial Novel”
    Wednesday, April 9
    2pm - 3pm
    Stryker Center (412 Boundary St.)

    Jay Jolles, American Studies: “Contemporary Fiction and the Millennial Novel”

    Offered in partnership between the Graduate Center and the Williamsburg Regional Library.

    W&M Libraries Student Ambassadors Meeting
    Wednesday, April 9
    5pm - 6:30pm
    Swem Library, Cox Classroom

    Do you love libraries? If so, join the Library Ambassadors, a student group here at W&M. We have monthly dinner meetings, learn about what's happening in the libraries, and give feedback on how to make our campus libraries even better. 

    Pre-PA Panel (PA-C Guest Speaker)
    Wednesday, April 9
    7pm - 8pm
    Chancellors Hall 123
      USAF Heritage Brass Concert
      Wednesday, April 9
      7:30pm - 8:30pm
      Music Arts Center, Concert Hall

      Tickets are FREE for students. Reserve your ticket at https://wm.universitytickets.com. 


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      Ongoing Events

      View: GridList
      W&M 2025 Spring Food Drive
      Monday, March 31 - Sunday, April 20
      Main Campus and VIMS Campus

      There will be 21 donation locations total with 18 donation locations on the main campus in Williamsburg and 3 donation locations at VIMS. Look for bright yellow donation boxes with a W&M Spring Food Drive flyer in buildings all around campus. 

      Writing and Communication Center Open: Spring 2025
      Monday, February 3 - Friday, May 2
      1pm - 4pm
      Swem Library, https://wm.mywconline.net/

      At the Writing and Communication Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.