[PAST EVENT] APIA Banh Mi presents  Dr. Janelle Wong

October 23, 2020
Zoom - https://cwm.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtcOGtqzgtHtf9-iMXQziOG3ek1GfMIL_b
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Where will Asian American voter turnout make the most impact this year? How do Asian Americans feel about the candidates? Join this discussion on Asian Americans and the 2020 Presidential Election with Janelle Wong (University of Maryland, Senior Researcher with AAPIData).  Professor Wong will discuss new survey data on Asian American presidential vote choice, issue priorities, and attitudes toward race, immigration, affirmative action and other important topics. 

Janelle Wong is Professor of American Studies and Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is a core faculty member in the Asian American Studies Program. She uses survey data to research the political attitudes and behaviors of the Asian American population. Her most recent book is Evangelicals, Immigrants, and Politics in an Era of Demographic Change.