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Arts & Sciences
[PAST EVENT] Guest lecture with Alicia Viladomate (Madrid)
November 9, 2022
6pm - 7:15pm

Poet and dramatist Pilar de Valderrama (1889-1979) was a pioneering literary figure in the brilliant
Madrid cultural scene of the 1920s and 1930s before the devastating Spanish Civil War of 1936. Author of
five books of poetry and three plays, she was a founding member of Madrid's renowned Lyceum Club
Femenino, where fellow suffragists fought for Spanish women's right to vote. Her posthumous memoir,
Sí, soy Guiomar. Memorias de mi vida (1981), included unpublished correspondence with Spain's most
revered poet of the 20th c., Antonio Machado and revealed her decade-long secret relationship with
the poet. Alicia Viladomat, curator of Madrid-based cultural exhibits, is the granddaughter of