Arts & Sciences Events
[PAST EVENT] ETD Embargo Deadline for August 2017 graduates
If you are requesting an embargo of your thesis/dissertation, you must submit a License and Embargo Form that is signed by you and your advisor. An embargo lasting more than two (2) years requires approval by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. If your thesis/dissertation requires an embargo of more than 6 years, The Office of Graduate Studies and Research requires that an Embargo Information Session at Swem be completed and documented with the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research?s signature on the Embargo Form. Contact [[kmdelaurenti, Kathleen DeLaurenti]] for scheduling. When accessing the License and Embargo Form on the W&M ETD Administrator website, please be sure to print it out for submission to the Office of Graduate Studies with all required original signatures.
Please note It is required that both the ProQuest (PQ publishing options) and the Institutional Repository (IR publishing options) publishing information be filled in and that your ProQuest embargo choice MUST MATCH your Institutional Repository choice.
This Form is required whether or not you choose to embargo your work.