[PAST EVENT] Faculty and Graduate Student Workshop on the VA K-12 system

September 21, 2012
12pm - 2pm
Blow Memorial Hall
262 Richmond Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The William and Mary Scholar Undergraduate Research Experience (WMSURE) and the School University Research Network (SURN) are hosting a faculty and graduate student lunch on Friday, September 21 from 12-2 p.m. in Blow Hall, room 201. Come join us for all or part of our discussion on "What college educators want to know about the Virginia K-12 education system." We will also give an update on WMSURE and present information about our SCHEV sponsored "Visible Teaching, Assessing, Learning, and Leading" grant that enables high school and college educators to work together to ensure that more students from underrepresented backgrounds enjoy smoother and successful transitions from high school to college to career.

Lunch will be provided. Please fill out the following survey to ensure we have enough lunch: {{http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WMSURESURNfacultygradlunch, WMSUREURN}}

[[ahchar, Prof. Anne Charity-Hudley]]