STLI Quick Bite | AI Series: Red Card, Green Card

September 18, 2024
12pm - 12:30pm
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green card with a thumbs up symbol, red card with a thumbs down symbol
green card with a thumbs up symbol, red card with a thumbs down symbol

Want an easy, fun way to start the difficult conversation of what's okay and what's not when it comes to Generative AI in your courses? This simple classroom activity gets students to question their own use of this powerful technology while developing a better understanding of what their peers are thinking and doing about AI. 

This session is part of the STLI Teaching with AI Quick Bite series. This series is centered around the instructional possibilities of Generative AI. The first 30 minutes of these sessions will present an approach or tool that you might want to consider adopting in your courses. Should you have the time, stick around for the remainder of the hour, where we will workshop implementing those strategies in your courses. 

Sponsored by: Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation


Mike Blum | [[mxblum]]