Building Sanctuary by Dr. Tamura Lomax

November 13, 2024
12pm - 1pm
Ewell Hall, Room 151
221 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Tamura Lomax
Tamura Lomax

Building Sanctuary: Radical Resistance, Liberationist Spiritual Practice, and Revolutionary Freedom Dreams in an Anti-Black and Anti-Woke Political Economy. 

Tamura Lomax is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Michigan State University, where she builds curriculum and teaches on the history of and critical studies in Black Religion. She received her Ph.D. in 2011 from Vanderbilt University in Religion, where she specialized in Black Religious History and Black Diaspora Studies. In 2018, Dr. Lomax published Jezebel Unhinged: Loosing the Black Female Body in Religion and Culture with Duke University Press. She is currently finishing up a two-book project, Freeing Black Girls: A Black Feminist Bible on Racism and Revolutionary Mothering and Loving Black Boys: A Black Feminist Bible on Racism and Revolutionary Mothering, with Duke University Press (May 2025). In 2011, Dr. Lomax co-founded The Feminist Wire (TFW), an online publication committed to feminist, anti-racist, and anti-imperialist socio-political critique. TFW was purchased by Harvard University in 2023 and is now The Feminist Wire Collection. In addition, TFW has a book series with the University of Arizona Press: The Feminist Wire Books: Connecting Feminisms, Race, and Social Justice.

Sponsored by: Africana Studies, Religious Studies, Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, History Department, and Arts & Sciences


[[lsimms, Latasha Simms]]