Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Events
[PAST EVENT] Design Thinking and UX Design: A Day in the Life.
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 1077101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Alumnae speakers Alyssa Zhu and Catie Pavilack will speak about design thinking and UX design in a conversational speaker event. Alyssa Zhu graduated in 2014 and was a Marketing major with an Accounting concentration, who is now a Design Strategist utilizing design thinking at Peer Insight, a boutique innovation consultancy in D.C. Catie Pavilack also graduated in 2014, and while she has worked with design thinking she is now a Senior Associate at a consulting firm which focuses on digital transformation, Optimity Advisors, and she now works with UX design. Both the DT and UX design methods focus on a user-centric approach to innovation, and approach that is much more effective than starting off with the perspective of viability, or feasibility. Learning about these approaches offers you skills that can be used over all disciplines, not just business, including (but not limited to) brainstorming for a research paper, or for thinking about solutions to problems you experience daily. This event is both for those who have heard very little about design thinking and want to learn more, and for those who already have an idea of what design thinking and/or UX design are and what to learn more about their use in a more career-specific way.
[[e| arolson, Ange Olson]] or visit William & Mary Innovation & Design Thinking Club on Facebook.