[PAST EVENT] Campus COLL 300 Presentation: "Inclusion and the University"

April 12, 2017
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
200 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

Inspired by the legacy of the Southern freedom school tradition, Freedom University provides a tuition-free education, college application and scholarship assistance, and training in social-movement leadership. Its mission: "to empower undocumented youth and fulfill their human right to education." The university was founded in 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, as a response to Georgia's Board of Regents' banning undocumented students from admission to the state's top five public universities. Emiko Soltis serves as the university's executive director.

Sponsors for this event include the A&S Dean's Office and the Center for the Liberal Arts.

An open reception will follow the presentation.

COLL 300 campus visitors bring the world to W&M. They aspire to stimulate a fruitful experience of disorientation that allows students to see their own lives in broader perspective. 

Spring 2017 Campus COLL 300 Theme "Unrest": At an institution dedicated to inquiry and examination, the intellectual waters are always in a state of unrest. Unrest, in a scientific sense, can imply loss of equilibrium. Unrest can be one feature of a psychological state leading to questioning or creativity; of a social state leading to criticism or conflict. Unrest can be a stimulus or a crisis, a challenge or a moment.

