[PAST EVENT] Newton Apple Tree Planting Ceremony

February 22, 2014
10am - 10:30pm
Small Hall, Front
300 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Please join us on Saturday, Feb 22 in Small Hall to celebrate the planting outside Small Hall of a clone of the famous apple tree that helped inspire Isaac Newton's theory of gravity. The celebration will include presentations by Newton historian Mordechai Feingold, author Dava Sobel, and W&M student Jackson Olsen, in addition to a reading of Sobel's play "And the Sun Stood Still," indoor and outdoor hands-on activities organized by the Society of Physics Students (complete with hovercrafts and a giant oobleck pool), and day and night astronomical observations. A rare first-edition copy of Newton's Principia will be on display in Small Hall, along with other important texts.

Schedule of Events:
10:00 - 11:00: Q&A with Dava Sobel (Cohen Career Center)

12:00 - 4:00: Rare book viewing. (Newton's Principia circa1687, work by Aristotle, Galileo's Dialogo, etc.) Small Hall Physics Library.

12:00 - 4:00: NewtonFest (Small Hall) Liquid nitrogen ice cream, Exciting demos, Rare book viewing
Solar telescope viewing (weather permitting) And much more!

1:00 - 1:45: Presentation - "The Significance of William
& Mary's Principia" by Jackson Olsen (Small 111)

2:00- 3:00: Newton Tree Planting (Small Hall)
Join us as we plant a direct descendant of the tree that inspired Sir. Isaac himself! Remarks by President Reveley, Dava Sobel, Mordechai Feingold, and others.

4:00 - 7:30: And The Sun Stood Still Reading
(Andrews Hall101) Join the theatre department for a reading of Dava Sobel's new play!

8:00 - 10:30: Astronomical Viewing Night (Roof, Small Hall) (Weather permitting)

Open to the public.
