[PAST EVENT] Documenting Human Rights Country Conditions in Closed and Repressive Societies

February 3, 2015
Law School, Room 133
613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Janet Lord's work focuses on the rights of marginalized groups, human rights treaty negotiation and implementation, and health and human rights law.

Ms. Lord has worked in more than thirty countries, designing, managing, implementing, and evaluating human rights and inclusive development projects. She has worked with a variety of international organizations including the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Disability Program, UNAIDS, UNDP, the United States Agency of International Development, the US National Council on Disability, the European Union, the World Bank, American Institutes for Research, Disabled Peoples' International, Handicap International (France), the Harvard Project on Disability, Landmine Survivors Network, the Center for International Rehabilitation, and the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES).

Ms. Lord is currently the senior vice president for human rights and inclusive development at the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University College of Law where she oversees international legal research and global programming. She also serves as senior research associate at the Harvard Law School Project on Disability.

Ms. Lord holds law degrees from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland (LLB & LLM) and the George Washington University Law School (LLM).

Ajinur Setiwaldi HSLC Public Relations