[PAST EVENT] Research in Progress: Marcus Holmes/Jeff Kaplow and Maurits van der Veen

September 11, 2024
3:30pm - 5pm
Swem Library, Ground Floor, The Hive Events Space
400 Landrum Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Free food
  • Open to the public

Wednesday, September 11 from 3:30 pm to 5 pm in the Hive Event space and via Zoom.

Jeff Kaplow and Marcus Holmes, professors in the Government Department, will present their paper, “International Diplomacy Through the Headset: Trust-Building with Technology-Mediated Interaction.”

Maurits van der Veen, an Associate Professor of Government, will present his paper, “Systematically measuring dehumanisation of Palestinians in the media: Comparing the United Kingdom and Ireland.”

Want to read the papers before the talk? Contact Tiffany for a copy!

Light snacks will be provided.

Swem Library map: https://libraries.wm.edu/about/floor-plans

Zoom link: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/95390671141

Sponsored by: The Global Research Institute


Tiffany Clarke