[PAST EVENT] Physics Colloquium - Patrick Meade

October 25, 2019
4pm - 5pm
Small Hall, Room 111
300 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Patrick Meade

Prof. Patrick Meade, Stony Brook University, Title of Talk: Future colliders and the Higgs 

Abstract: I will discuss the current status of LHC measurements and potential discovery prospects at future e+e- and pp colliders focusing on the Higgs. I will emphasize how many of the unanswered questions about the Standard Model of particle physics are connected to measuring properties of the Higgs with higher precision. In particular I will point out how improving quantitative precision in certain measurements can lead to qualitative changes about our understanding of the universe. I will primarily focus on a few examples from flavor physics and cosmology in making this case.