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[PAST EVENT] Colin Paul Egerer, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense [Zoom]
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Colin Paul Egerer, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense
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Title: Forward & Off-Forward Parton Distributions from Lattice QCD
Abstract: The interpretation of (semi-)inclusive and certain exclusive scattering processes relies on the factorization of hard parton level cross sections from long-range and non-perturbative parton correlations. The familiar Parton Distribution Functions and Generalized Parton Distributions quantify the non-perturbative dynamics in these situations and address a number of key questions surrounding the structure of hadrons. A certain class of matrix elements accessible in lattice QCD, so called Lattice Cross Sections, have been shown to factorize into these collinear distributions in a manner akin to the factorization of hadronic cross sections. In a short-distance regime, matrix elements of space-like separated two-current operators and parton bilinears can be expressed as the convolution of perturbative coefficient functions and the PDFs. Matrix elements of this type are isolated in the pion and nucleon, each offering a glimpse of the unpolarized valence quark content of these phenomenologically important hadronic states. The calculations within the nucleon represent the first application of the distillation spatial smearing paradigm to the collinear structure of hadrons. Benchmarking and novel improvements are also presented. The coordinate space factorization of space-like separated parton bilinears has recently been extended to include Generalized Parton Distributions. Preliminary results in off-forward nucleon matrix elements using distillation are explored.
Bio: Colin Egerer was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, spending his entire childhood there interested in the natural world and fixated on combinatorics. These curiosities were fostered early and often and were notably piqued by several high school instructors. He attended the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse in La Crosse, Wisconsin from 2011-2015, and graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in physics and mathematics. His graduate studies in physics at William & Mary began in August of 2015, and by early 2017 had joined the nuclear and hadronic theory efforts of his advisor David Richards (Jefferson Lab) and William and Mary's Kostas Orginos. After receiving his Master of Science in physics from William & Mary in 2017, his research focus turned to the first-principles calculation of hadronic structure functions from Lattice QCD. When not conversing with compilers, Colin spends his time trail running, hiking and biking the natural spaces of the world, and rock climbing at nearly every opportunity. Following his defense, he will continue his studies of hadron structure from Lattice QCD as a postdoctoral researcher at Jefferson Lab.