Physics Colloquium - Dr. Rachel Hyneman

April 11, 2025
4pm - 5pm
Small Hall, Room 111
300 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Dr. Rachel Hyneman, University of Arizona, Title: Probing Higgs Boson Self-Interactions at the ATLAS Experiment

Abstract: As the most recently discovered fundamental particle, the Higgs Boson offers many promising avenues towards further understanding our universe. One special avenue of study is in measuring the Higgs Boson's interactions with itself, which have significant implications for both the microscopic and macroscopic nature of the universe we inhabit. In this talk, I will discuss how we study the Higgs self-interaction through measurements of the production of pairs of Higgs Bosons at the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. I’ll focus on how we can use machine learning to measure the “impossible” final state in which both Higgs bosons decay to two b-quarks. I’ll then discuss prospects for improving future Higgs Boson self-interaction studies in ATLAS. 

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