[PAST EVENT] Finding (and Telling) Your Story

October 13, 2021
12pm - 1pm
Location not specified
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Good communication always drives action and results. But so often, we misunderstand what gets us to those results the fastest. What if it wasn’t (just) data or intellect, but something deeper—and something radically simple yet profoundly effective? In this session, we will explore the role of stories and storytelling as a leader’s great tool in their communication toolkit. We’ll explore how stories shape effective leadership communication, how they can maximize engagement, and ultimately drive outcomes.

Presented by Dr. Phil Wagner, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Mason School of Business.  He teaches a variety of communication courses among the graduate programs as well as undergraduate courses focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Within the Mason School, Phil helps coordinate student-facing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.  He has been a TED speaking coach and has worked with thousands of communicators - from students to executives - on improving their communication strategies and delivery.