VIMS Events
This calendar presented by
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
[PAST EVENT] Discovery Lab: Plant Adaptations
June 21, 2016
6pm - 8pm
VIMS - Catlett-Burruss Research and Education Lab7577 Spencer Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
Join Erin Shields, VIMS/CBNERR, as she discusses adaptations plants in Chesapeake Bay have developed. Learn how adaptations allow these plants to live on land or in the water, and how they find food and grow. This family-friendly event will include activities like creating a salt marsh field guide and tasting salt from a blade of Spartina grass.
No charge; {{, click here}} to register (required).
No charge; {{, click here}} to register (required).
Sarah McGuire Nuss 804-684-7878