[PAST EVENT] GCC W&M Student Roundtable Discussion: Asian-based Xenophobia

April 24, 2021
9pm - 10:30pm
Access & Features
  • Open to the public

Global China Connection at W&M will be hosting a student roundtable discussion this Saturday (Apr 24th) at 9:00 pm EST. We will first introduce the current situation about Asian-based Xenophobia in the context of COVID-19, and open up the floor for topics brought up by the moderator, GCC, and participants.

No requirements for participants on major, year, interest, nationality, etc. Please come and enjoy a meaningful discussion with your peers! Join via https://cwm.zoom.us/j/97187643159?pwd=YW1XeTFLV1pLUWlUQzJrZVg5dGQxQT09

