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[PAST EVENT] Mathematics Colloquium: Dana P. Williams (Dartmouth College)
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Title: The Equivalence Theorem for groupoid C*-algebras
Abstract: One of the original motivations for the study of C*-algebras came from noncommutative harmonic analysis and the group C*-algebra construction. Nowadays the representation theory of C*-algebras is an interesting subject onto itself. An essential tool is the notion of Morita equivalence of C*-algebras which is a good deal coarser than isomorphism, but still implies an equivalence of the representation theory. There are many ways to build C*-algebras mimicing the group C*-algebra construction and a key player is the construction of C*-algebras from groupoids. Some time ago, Jean Renault observed that a notion of groupoid equivalence implied Morita equivalence of the corresponding C*-algebras which gives a very concrete and topological way to establish deep analytic facts. After briefly outlining the necessary background, I will give a sketch of this Equivalence Theorem using a newer proof developed by Aidan Sims and myself.
Link: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/95514383546 (the talk will be on Zoom, but it will be projected in Jones 301 for viewing).
Pierre Clare