[PAST EVENT] FitWell Class:  Restorative Yoga with Cindy

December 12, 2023
6:15pm - 7pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
240 Gooch Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Registration/RSVP
FitWell Class

Yoga props, blanket, blocks, bolsters, and pillows, are used to completely support the body allowing the muscles the release more deeply into each pose. Poses are held for a few to several minutes, and no prior yoga experience is needed.

  • Registration and an active FitWell Membership are required, free for full-time students
  • Registration opens 48 hours in advance, sign-up on the W&M Wellness app or online, wellness.wm.edu

[[wellness, wellness@wm.edu]]