[PAST EVENT] Communicating with our Whole Selves: Exploring Acro Yoga

November 15, 2023
7pm - 8pm
School of Education, Lobby
301 Monticello Ave
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Year of the Arts

In honor of W&M Education Week, the School of Education is offering opportunities for learning and connection around the theme of Safe, Strong & Just Institutions. Paying tribute to the critical role of the arts in building just institutions, Professor of Dance Joan Gavaler and her students will demonstrate the process of learning Acro Yoga as a way to think about healthy and supportive communication. The program is designed as both a presentation and interactive workshop for those who would like to participate. Volunteers will have a chance to play with some paired movements, and we’ll talk about what the group is experiencing and observations that anyone wants to share. Please join us, and let’s have some fun together!


Kimberly Richards-Thomas krichardsthomas@wm.edu, Director of Communications