[PAST EVENT] Physics Colloquium - Dr. Ebubechukwu ILO-OKEKE

February 28, 2024
9am - 10am
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Dr. Ebubechukwu ILO-OKEKE, Shanghai New York University, Shanghai, China, Title of talk: Quantum information with neutral atoms: From Time transfer to finding ground state of many-body atoms

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Neutral atoms are at the heart of many successes in quantum physics in the last few decades, ranging from Bose-Einstein condensation and high-precision magnetometers to lattice atomic clocks. The level of control at the single particle and repeated measurement of the same atom samples while preserving the quantum features like superposition coherence and entanglement makes neutral atoms prime candidates for quantum devices.

An example is atom clocks, used in many technologies like GPS and national labs for timekeeping. However, due to drifts, it becomes necessary to synchronize two or more distant clocks to reliably keep accurate time. A method proposed to synchronize such distant clocks uses quantum entanglement, called quantum clock synchronization (QCS), to transfer time between the clocks. However, John Preskill identified that defining quantum states between parties without consistent phase definitions can lead to unknown systematic errors. I will discuss how the introduction of quantum state purification filters off the unknown phase definitions by the parties and channels noise, which allows for the implementation of QCS.

Furthermore, finding the ground state of Hamiltonians is essential in quantum information science and optimization problems. An imaginary time evolution finds the ground state of a given Hamiltonian after long evolution times by amplifying the ground state of a given system. I will discuss my recent work on using a sequence of measurements and conditional unitary rotations to realize deterministic imaginary time evolution and provide an example application.

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