Unpacking Christian Nationalism

November 3, 2024
5pm - 7pm
Wesley House

Kentucky community organizer and pastor Ryan Eller will be coming to Wesley to talk about Christian Nationalism and its harms to both democracy and the Gospel. We will provide free dinner at 5 and Eller will present at 6.

Eller is the Executive Director of the Appalachia Funders Network and was formerly the Executive Director of Define American, one of the nation’s leading narrative and culture change organizations. He also served as the Vice President of #EmergingUS, a media startup housed in the LA Times that Define American later acquired. A descendant of nine generations from Appalachia, Eller has led various impactful initiatives, including projects with HBCUs, and religious, and indigenous communities. Before AFN, he worked with Watershed Partners, a global social good firm founded by the Thomson family (owners of Thomson-Reuters). Ryan is President of The Beloved Community Foundation, an organization born out of his work organizing faith leaders for racial justice following the death of Breonna Taylor.

Sponsored by: Wesley Foundation

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