[PAST EVENT] Chemistry Seminar

November 15, 2024
3pm - 4pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127
540 Landrum Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Prof. Amy Mullin, University of Maryland
Title: Molecules in Extreme Rotational States Populated in an Optical Centrifuge and Their Collision Dynamics
Abstract: The collisional energy transfer of molecular super rotors is investigated using pulse optical excitation and high-resolution transient IR absorption probing. An optical centrifuge is used to drive gas-phase molecules into extreme rotational states using sequential Raman excitation. Time-resolved polarization-sensitive spectroscopy detects population and alignment of the centrifuged molecules and their relaxation phenomena. Doppler-broadened line profiles show the extent of translational energy gain in collision products and, when coupled with alignment data, reveal the presence of resonant and non-resonant energy transfer. The J-specific populations and alignment of the optically centrifuged molecules persist for many collisions, highlighting the role of large amounts of angular momentum in molecular collisions.

Sponsored by: Chemistry