[PAST EVENT] Zachery Peterson, William & Mary

January 31, 2025
2pm - 3pm
Jones Hall, Room 301
200 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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  • Free food
  • Open to the public
Zach Peterson, Professor in Mathematics
Zach Peterson, Professor in Mathematics

Title:  SL_k-Tilings and Paths in Z^k

An SL_k-frieze is a bi-infinite array of integers where adjacent entries satisfy a certain diamond rule. SL_2-friezes were introduced and studied by Conway and Coxeter. Later, these were generalized to infinite matrix-like structures called tilings as well as higher values of k. A recent paper by Short showed a bijection between bi-infinite paths of reduced rationals in the Farey graph and SL_2-tilings. We extend this result to higher k by constructing a bijection between SL_k-tilings and certain pairs of bi-infinite strips of vectors in Z^k called paths. The key ingredient in the proof is the relation to Plucker friezes and Grassmannian cluster algebras. As an application, we obtain results about periodicity, duality, and positivity for tilings.

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Yuming Sun