[PAST EVENT] The Hand of Rodin -- Rewinding the History of Western Art Lecture Series

March 17, 2011
Andrews Hall, Room 101
605 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) renewed the ancient art of sculpture, boldly bringing it into the twentieth century. The poet Rainer Maria Rilke described awestruck his impressions following a visit to Rodin's
studio in 1902, ". . .You see, even before you have entered, that all these hundreds of lives are one life, vibrations of one force and one will. Acres of fragments lie there, one beside the other. Nudes the
size of my hand and bigger, but only bits, scarcely one of them whole. . . " Drawing deeply upon classical art, as well as from
his Renaissance muse Michelangelo, Rodin discovered that the power of
sculpture is not diminished by being only fragmentary.

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Christina Carroll, [[cmcarroll]]