W&M Featured Events
This calendar presented by
William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Der Filmabend - Metropolis
September 17, 2014
6:30pm - 9pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 001100 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
The story tells of a great city whose two halves--the pampered citizens of the surface and the slaves of the depths--are ignorant of one another. The city is run by the ruthless Joh Fredersen (Alfred Abel), a businessman-dictator. His son Freder (Gustav Froehlich) is in the Pleasure Gardens one day when Maria (Brigitte Helm), a woman from the subterranean city, brings a group of workers' children to the surface. Freder, struck by Maria's beauty and astonished to learn of the life led by the workers, seeks out the demented genius Rotwang (Rudolf Klein-Rogge), who knows the secrets of the lower world.