W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Leveraging Big Code to Improve Software Reliability
Talk Abstract:
Thanks to the large number of open source projects collected in software forges like GitHub, a rich source of Software Engineering data has become available to the researchers to learn common coding practices and automate them. For example, in this talk, I will demonstrate how such ?big code? can be used to learn previous coding mistakes that resulted in bugs. I will further discuss how such data-driven knowledge can be leveraged to build new bug-finding and fixing tools to improve software quality and programmer productivity. I will also discuss how such techniques can be adopted for emerging machine-learning-based software.
Baishakhi Ray is an assistant professor at the University of Virginia. Her research focuses on Software Engineering with emphasis on improving software reliability and security. She analyzes large-scale software repositories to learn on-going software engineering practices. Then, leveraging this data-driven knowledge, she builds novel program analysis techniques and development tools to improve software quality and programmer productivity. Baishakhi has received Best Paper awards at FSE 2017, MSR 2017, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 2014. Her research has also been published in CACM Research Highlights and has been widely covered in trade media.
Xu Liu