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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Theatre Performance: A Tempest
March 3, 2022 - March 6, 2022
Location not specifiedAccess & Features
- Open to the public
- Paid event
- Ticketed event

by Aimé Césaire.
A Tempest is a postcolonial revision of Shakespeare’s The Tempest which focuses on the plight of Ariel and Caliban and their never-ending quest to gain freedom from Prospero and his rule over the island. The play considers issues of racism, violence and exploitation, leaving the audience to consider the lasting effects of colonialism.
Mar. 3-6, 2022
7:30pm Thursday-Saturday and 2:00pm Sunday
Tickets: $15 Adults $7 Student/Child • Call for Discounts
W&M STUDENTS FREE: contact Box Office for details
Box Office • [[boxoffice]] • 757-221-2674