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[PAST EVENT] Guest Speaker, Dr. Allen Craig, "Preventing and Treating Infectious Disease on the Front Lines"
November 8, 2012
2pm - 3:20pm
The W&M Minor in Public Health is sponsoring a speaker series. The first speaker, Dr. Allen Craig, will be presenting "Preventing and Treating Infectious Disease on the Front Lines: Perspectives from a CDC Epidemiologist" on Thursday November 8, from 2-3:20 in Small Hall 110.
Dr. Craig is the Resident Advisor to the President's Malaria Initiative in Zambia, and is an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He will be available to discuss careers in public health and medicine after his seminar.
Dr. Craig is the Resident Advisor to the President's Malaria Initiative in Zambia, and is an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He will be available to discuss careers in public health and medicine after his seminar.
[[sbickes, Dr. Scott Ickes]]