A&S Graduate Studies
[PAST EVENT] Emerging Scholars Talk: "Star in a Bottle: The Promises and Challenges of Nuclear Fusion" *new date!
Stryker Center (412 Boundary St.)Access & Features
- Open to the public
Ryan Chaban, Physics: "Star in a Bottle: The Promises and Challenges of Nuclear Fusion"
In December 2022, the National Ignition Facility announced the first-ever fusion reaction to produce more power than was absorbed. In this talk, Ryan Chaban, recent Physics PhD from William & Mary, will explain the science of nuclear fusion, from the quantum level to the macroscale plasma physics involved. Learn about the remaining engineering and technological hurdles to potentially making fusion a sustainable and safe energy source. Ryan will discuss the future of fusion while examining the way the world is reacting to this technology and its possibilities.
The Emerging Scholars Series is offered in partnership with the Williamsburg Regional Library. Free & open to the public.
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