Transitioning to LIfe in the U.S.
Thursday, October 13 - Tuesday, September 13
4pm - 5:30pm
Reves Center for International Studies
Come to this special Global Connections Session to learn about stress management, and get information about successfully transitioning to life in the U.S. Part of the International Students Success Program
    1. Tyler Distinguished Lecture Series presents Kate Brown
    Thursday, October 13
    4:30pm - 11:59pm
    Andrews Hall, Room 101
    Lecturer: Kate Brown, University of Maryland-Baltimore County Title: Irrevocable: The Life-Changing, Society-Altering Significance of Plutonium in the US and USSR
      MACS Lecture: Tomas Lozano
      Thursday, October 13
      Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 301
      Visiting musician and scholar Tomas Lozano will be presenting a lecture on "Musical Activity in 17th-Century New Mexico Missions" as part of the Music in American Culture (MACS) lecture series.
        Welsh National Assembly Internship Information Meeting
        Thursday, October 13
        Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
        Previous Interns Lauren Campbell and Nicky Bell will answer questions about their experience as Welsh National Assembly Interns.

          Ongoing Events

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          Study Abroad Photo Contest
          Monday, October 3 - Friday, October 21
          12am - 5pm
          Location not specified
          Submit photographs from your 2010 - 2011 study abroad experience!
          Wednesday, September 21 - Saturday, October 15
          12am - 11:59pm
          Location not specified
          Applications for Critchfield, Vaughan, Reves Scholarships due Oct. 15