Todd Weaver Study Abroad Scholarship Deadline
Friday, October 14
12:01am - 5pm
Location not specified
Applications for the first annual Todd Weaver Study Abroad Scholarship are due by Oct 14th at 5 p.m. The scholarship, named to honor the memory of Todd W. Weaver, Class 2008, who died in battle serving his country in Afghanistan on September 9, 2009.
    African Cultural Society Game Night
    Friday, October 14
    All day
    Unity Hall
    An evening of fun and games as part of iRep Africa Weekend.
      Japan Information Culture Center (JICC), Embassy of Japan Internship Deadline
      Friday, October 14
      All day
      Location not specified
      The Japan Information & Culture Center (JICC), Embassy of Japan seeks unpaid, part- to full-time inters (12-35 hrs/week) for the Spring 2012 term.
        Beijing 2011: Eighth Annual Brigham Kanner Property Rights Conference
        Friday, October 14 - Saturday, October 15
        9am - 9pm
        Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing
        On Oct. 14-15, the Law School's Property Rights Project will host its annual conference for the first time overseas in cooperation with Tsinghua University School of Law. Pre- and post-conference tours of China and Hong Kong are available.
          Defense Intelligence Scholar Program
          Friday, October 14
          12pm - 11:59pm
          Cohen Career Center
          DIA Representative Mark McAlpine will be at the Career Center to provide information and advice on the application procedure.
            German House Kaffeeklatsch
            Friday, October 14
            Location not specified
            A traditional Kaffeeklatsch will be held at the German House. There will be coffee, German cake, and the opportunity to meet other people interested in German language and culture.
              India Intitiatve Lecture
              Friday, October 14
              Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room
              Alexander Evans will present "Does India Shape Pakistan's Foreign Policy?", a lecture in the India Intiviate Lecture Series.

                Ongoing Events

                View: GridList
                Study Abroad Photo Contest
                Monday, October 3 - Friday, October 21
                12am - 5pm
                Location not specified
                Submit photographs from your 2010 - 2011 study abroad experience!
                Wednesday, September 21 - Saturday, October 15
                12am - 11:59pm
                Location not specified
                Applications for Critchfield, Vaughan, Reves Scholarships due Oct. 15