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Deepsea Challenge Expedition Member Christina Symons To Be Earth Day Speaker
Monday, April 22
12pm - 1pm
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
Dr. Christina Massell Symons, famed geoscientist and pilot of deep submersibles, will offer a lecture entitled "Women in Science: From the Seafloor to the Stars" on April 22, noon-1 p.m. at the Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium.
Panel Discussion on "A Curriculum Worthy of W&M? Reactions to the New Faculty Proposal"
Monday, April 22
2pm - 4pm
Sadler Center, Tidewater B
Please participate in a panel discussion sponsored by the Society for the College: "A Curriculum Worthy of William and Mary? Reactions to the New Faculty Proposal". Event occurs Monday April 22, 2013, at 2 pm in the Sadler Center, Tidewater B.
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