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PPFA Meeting
Wednesday, April 3
8:15am - 9:45am
Blow Memorial Hall, BOV Board Room
Open to the public. View meeting agendas and minutes.
Geology Brown Bag
Wednesday, April 3
12pm - 1pm
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219
Dr. Toshio Mizuta and Dr. Takashi Uchida, Akita University (Japan) will discuss their research on massive volcanogenic sulfide deposits and sea-floor gas hydrates.
Justice Richard J. Goldstone: The International Criminal Court
Wednesday, April 3
12:45pm - 1:45pm
Law School, Room 124
Justice Richard J. Goldstone, the 2013 recipient of the Marshall-Wythe Medallion, will deliver a lecture titled "The International Criminal Court: Recent Developments" on April 3 at 12:45 p.m. in room 124 of the Law School. Free. All are welcome.
Introduction to Aflaj and traditional water management in arid environments
Wednesday, April 3
4pm - 5:20pm
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219
Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghafri from the University of Nizwa in Oman presents an Introduction to Aflaj and traditional water management in arid environments, with a reception to follow in McGlothlin-Street Hall, room 201.
Greek Awards Banquet
Wednesday, April 3
5pm - 6pm
Sadler Center, Commonwealth
Come out to celebrate the community's accomplishments!
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