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Chemistry Spring Seminar Series
Monday, April 1
4pm - 5pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127
Special Monday 4 p.m. Seminar:
Tyler Meldrum of RWTH University of Aachen, Germany presents
"Of MOUSE and Men: Single-sided NMR in Cultural Heritage"
Meese v Klarman: A Debate on Constitutional Originalism
Monday, April 1
5pm - 6:30pm
Law School, Room 120
Please join us for this lively debate between Michael J. Klarman & Alan Meese which has become a W&M tradition. It will be held on April 1 at 5 p.m. in room 120 at the Law School. Free. All are welcome. Sponsored by the Institute of Bill of Rights Law.
Internationalization: An Authentic Model for Global Mobility
Monday, April 1
School of Education, Dogwood Room
This presentation reports on the development and implementation of a global education consortium consisting of 8 founding 2-3 year colleges/institutions from America, Australia, and New Zealand.
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